terça-feira, 19 de março de 2013

Graceli one system.

System uno graceli.


Brazilian, professor, researcher, theorist, graduate in philosophy.
Street Itabira - No 5, set Itapemirim, Rose of the rock, Cariacica, Espírito Santo, Brazil.


Work Joined at the National Library. Brazil - copyright.

Contributor - Marcio Rangel Piter.
Part of this work was sent to the Brazilian Journal of Physics, the SBF. For publication.

Where fenomenometria not based on angles and shapes, but the variations that can develop internally and externally. Imagine the flames of a bonfire with every flame intensity and with different variations.

Or even the waves with their variations in the water and under water.
Or variations in and out of water when a person jumps over it. That is, a system on another system exponential exponential [see exponential calculation graceli].

Or even the explosion of a gas balloon. Or even in parts grips with deformations.

Calculation for exponential quantum phenomenon graceli.

For an explosion that is an instant phenomenon we have:
A number with an exponential with the number following is a powerhouse on the exponential.
For every ¨ ¨ ¨ b following a ¨ ¨ with the exponential has a power on the exponential exponential ¨.

Or with a phenomenon that has an exponential point disappears and appears elsewhere in the same size and intensity, or not, at the moment disappeared. [¨ ¨ graceli magical theory].
 However, this happens with some energy and particles that travel like space that did not exist and reappear elsewhere [therefore are reactive by energy fields and high temperatures].

That also see in alquimifísica where the latent energy of uranium can become with great potential and produce large explosions. Or even an electron bounce from nowhere and instantly jump [actually he is pulled into a layer of higher energy, where waves oscillate fluxons graceli levels and intensities of various energies and intensities negligible].

 Well, there is a layer and energy range graceli invisible that it entered [graceli theory of invisibility]. So we have the magical theory graceli, the inexistencialidade momentary gaps and in times like existent, and invisibility graceli.

That is, the fenomenometria graceli follows phenomenality and potentiality and not angles and areas.

Or even if it is in areas and angles relative to its variability.

And moreover the dimensions graceli not become over space, time and observers.

But yes, in relation to the phenomena in which they are, so developed its graceli ¨ for over forty graceli ¨ phenomenal dimensions. And divided them into categories dimensional graceli.

Its physics is unified with alquimifísica and chemical transformation across where you have a change of state of motion. And the movement is related to energy and not with force, mass and inertia.

So graceli establishes its unifying and unified system, since it is in process and phenomenality. With its variations during its development, between fenomenofísica, and fenomenometria fenomenodimensionalidade.

This is confirmed in all physical, the vibrations of electrons, swings, swelling, changes alquimifísicas, puxamentos electron waves by layers of higher energies, and eject electrons when photons come into impact with metals, etc..

With variations and conditionalities have a phenomenal relativity graceli and indeterminalidade effect, and determinalidade of causificação.

That is, we have a system graceli unifying deterministic cause and effect depth indeterministic.

Thus, [the] essence [the] fundamental nature of the system is graceli power potential of nature, and fenomenalidades interactions and energy, not numbers, ideas, geometric shapes, or particles ['ve seen the system that structures are graceli in reality phenomena and interactions of energy graceli].

Thus, the fundamental essences that make up the universe and its phenomena in structures and forms system graceli are seven:
Natures of power and potential, and magneto graceli dense space, energy, and fenomenalidades interactions.

Graceli Considerations for a pseudo superluminal inflation pressure or energy blasts.

If internal pressure producing the inflation should also have a great acceleration and displacement of the stars of all systems, such as a container when it produces oscillations and vibrations in the gas molecules. And that we are not seeing or even in the solar system and the galaxies.

And if it was caused by the explosion energy, or a supposed invisible energy in the system that we have entered a modified acceleration and instantly their orbits.

System revolutions and revolutions graceli.

Graceli The system is divided into several parts, but are one of the most innovative bands and graceli layer where both phases are produced in rotation and in translation.
And another point is that the stars are directed to more than one point apart from being compared to the primary, which is within the ranges graceli both the stars and atoms and galaxies and in space.

And these bands have action on both the translation and rotation is largely responsible for the movement of precession, bamboleios and oscillatory flows.

That is, the star not moves and drives about a center, but also in relation to magnetic tracks energy graceli planificantes space.

And these bands within the matter is the action plan of the energies and temperatures, earthquakes and other phenomena from the center, and this is what produces the equator of the stars, as well as the ecliptic. Therefore we have eclipses. And the stars align as much as possible so as rotacionamente translationally. And why we have the stabilities graceli astronomical.

[This system is divided into several parts and sections for a better understanding advise reading the entire work].

For that the system is general and unifying graceli because it involves all the movements, and potential changes in nature, and where the essence is not strength, but energy graceli.

Has some comets that there are approximately 2.5 AU eruptions grows and undergoes a considerable syrup and coma, in some cases up part disintegrates and large. And its orbit has also been modified and undergoes changes when passing through variations of eruptions, which also undergoes modifications accelerating or decelerating.

Already in some perihelion increase acceleration and positioning as some slow, and while some are disintegrated and suffer rashes, others have little change.

That is, it confirms the theory graceli phase lanes and layers and positioning.

Where space is not a vacuum, but through an intense energy with layered tracks and bobbing waveforms.

Regarding positioning also have variations. This graceli based systems and transformalidade variability, mutability and phases. As well as acting in the energy space.

And deny the Copernican system that puts the sun as the sole center of the solar system because graceli established that the stars also move toward the tracks graceli planificantes both spatial rotations as of translations.

This challenges the laws of Kepler areas, and uniformity of the distances of Newton's laws, but also challenges the laws of force and inertia. And even equivalence inertia-gravity.

And if the move goes through uneven where it is part of the nature of energy, so there is no inertial frame and uniform motion, thus challenging the relativity.

And if the move is part of the body's energy, so it challenges the law of equivalent inertia - gravity.

Once that also challenges the uniformity of gravity. [See field theory and one of mutuality graceli].

And with that dispute the theory of general relativity.

However, another theory graceli urged unified and unifying. Graceli between quantum and nuclear and alquimifísica graceli, chemistry, and mechanics graceli phenomenal, and his astronomy and cosmology, fisicologia [physical phenomena within the stars] and energeticofísica [physical energies], and galaxofísica [the physics of galaxies] that goes through phases, tracks and layers graceli.

Taking a unifying system graceli determined by causality, phenomenal and relative undetermined effect.

That is, we have a system energeticidade, variability and phenomenality in place of a system inertia forces, mass curvature of space.

If it is within the ranges graceli have a reality and it is just another reality in layers.

Phenomenon of graceli convexibilidade.
We have a layer of intense energy that keeps the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars, but also have layers which keeps the satellites of Jupiter another layer of energy.
Importantly, we have two layers of heavy backs to one another, ie, is convex towards one another. This phenomenon may be one of the explanations in the disintegration of comets, and even modification of movements and orbits and periods.

Law variability, twisting, mutability and chirality [some comets enter the plane of the ecliptic in the opposite direction, which are the reverse movements continued, and consequently are also movements kinking].

And who suffers twisting of orbits and variation of magnitude, size and coma and tail disintegrations. That is, a system is changeable and relative variational graceli phenomenal.

And along the way in convexibilidade graceli [from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and between layers of spatial energy of Jupiter also intense phenomena occurring variations and disintegrations, as well as changes of orbits and kinking, and variation in magnitude.

This confirms the power system graceli cosmic space, and not in relation to centers forces but the position and formation of energy in space has a direct action on the phenomena.

That is, these points have the principle of spatial convexibilidade graceli, graceli cosmic energy, phenomenal relativity in relation to situations and conditions means energy space.

And no force in relation to a supposed uniform over distances, and inertia.

Where we have the theory of relativity and energeticidade and convexibilidade, graceli mutability.

Graceliplanocentrismo - orbits and rotations are planned around the tracks graceli energy.

We have the weather and fisicológicas within the stars and atoms, where the thermals, earthquakes, etc., move around graceliplanocentrismo within matter.

This is a revolution as strong as that of Copernicus, and where the agent is the energy and strength with no action even with the distance.

The theory of uneven and varied regions produces energy astronomy and cosmology [astrocosmofísica graceli] regions of different intensities and changeable.

Leading to a unity and relativity phenomenal and indeterministic graceli in astrocosmofísica graceli of regionalidades.

We see this in their own land with the auroras at the poles, the equator atmospheric belts, carrying of thermal currents and earthquakes to the equator.

So we have a system of relativistic graceli action trial.
Thus, we phenomenality graceli and in relation to the nature of the materials.

The transformative alquimifísica unified where all transformation produces an acceleration.

And the positioning system and straightforwardness [front, rear, or sides of the center plane, or returns perihelia, ie astros loaded with more energy than when it entered the perihelion].

Astros giant has less spin and orbital inclinations and eccentricities less, ie, at this point we have are the tracks planificadoras acting on the movements and shapes, and layers acting on the eccentricities in stretches and shortenings and continued their flows.

And not the sum of masses in relation to distance and forces.

This is confirmed in comets, satellites and planets.

On the other hand when a comet with Jupiter gives front has changed its orbit and speed.

With this change it varies if the star is returning perihelion or is going towards perihelion.

That is, the return takes place in front of Jupiter has an acceleration to a hyperbolic orbit and ellipse passes for hyperbole, and short to long.

That is, not only is the physical agent or even a fundamental uniformity in relation to distance.

But yes, the energy that gets the comet and the acceleration is greater thrust by the action of multiple field uno graceli [graceli look good that changed the gravity field by one graceli, which has several actions on the bodies and elements and chemical states of matter and energy states graceli].

We see that the movement does not follow the law of uniformity of action at a distance, or forces.

That is, we see that rotation, bamboleios, streams, repulsion, attraction, and translation follow the law of uneven graceli, and energy - because the comet vai facing Jupiter loaded and unloaded energy force, and this is we have in the universe.

Thus we have the law of uneven and energeticidade graceli.

And the power of layers and tracks graceli happens with greater intensity on the stability to plan and eccentricity decrease as the size of the star, and not in relation to the distance from the primary.

Therefore the closest and has distant larger eccentricities and inclinations, while the biggest stars in relation to distance as jupiter and saturn has less.

This is confirmed also in satellites and comets.

That is, we have power, and tracks and layers graceli phases, uneven, and abnormal movements, field and one that produces both graceli attraction, repulsion, and translation.

And that one field and radioactive energy has a direct action on changes movements and accelerations of them.

This causes them to fall to the ground theory principles of force, gravity and inertia.

This modifies radially and theory of Kepler areas of strength and attraction of Newton, inertia-gravity equivalence of Einstein, and references regarding uniform movements, and changes the design of Aristarchus of Samos [Greek astronomer] and that Copernicus the stars move only towards the sun

But also move toward and over the tracks graceli planificantes and stabilizing.

The theory of uneven and energeticidade graceli predicts that the star entering the perihelion [when closest to the sun] comes with an acceleration and the same distance from which came out with another higher acceleration as it comes out with more energy is driven by graceli one field. That is, it hurts the theory of areas of Kepler and Newton uniformity of distances, and the principle of inertia, momentum.

Another point is that the system graceli argues that changing the energy space is not uniform, ie, consists of a power plan where the tracks graceli, and that determines the planning and stabilization of the orbits and rotations.

Another point is that the system graceli encompasses all movements as rotation, translation, precession, recession [removal], mutuals [of attraction, repulsion and lateral movement [sideways depending on the distance and type of materials]. And bamboleios movements and flows and chirality and parity rotational and translational.

And the system alquimifísico graceli based nature of movements with the power, potential and nature of the changes, which have chemical elements. Ie Graceli unifies your system with physics, alquimifísica [processing] and structures.

Another point is that graceli phenomenality and defends against potential action by the structures - which governs the world are phenomena and potentials, the very structure of matter and forms and are products and categories of phenomena.

That is, not within the Graceli atomism, ropes and forces the system, but energy and general phenomena and fenomenalidades and graceliana.

System-energy helium-planetariano graceli.

Where the sun has its function and planets also alter the orbits of stars and accelerations [including Jupiter acts on saturn and vice versa when one passes by another at perihelion, and act on all the comets and asteroids].

And the energy graceli has planificadora and stabilizing action and acts on the orbits and rotations and their modifications, accelerations and magnitudes.

Principle graceli stabilizing and disruptive.
Not only the position and energy that acts on the movements, but also the diameter of the troubled star, ie, as a star with his energy and also have a disturbance or stability more or less.

That is, the lower, the greater the ability to be disturbed and vice versa.
 For that comets have a relativity variational perturbation so great.

While on this planet is smaller and they are more stabilizers as well as stabilizing energy planificadora graceli layers of tracks and has greater action on the larger bodies.

It's like a game of ball, where the smallest being right tends to have a greater acceleration and more irregular.

This also happens with electrons and photons and their ricocheteamentos, and also happens to gas pressure.

That is, we face a general principle graceli and unified.

For that comets are those that have mostly inclinations and eccentricities larger than planets and satellites.

As well as the twisting continued and accelerated, as well as bamboleios up and down the tracks graceli.
Taking a reversal continued.

Concepts graceli its astrofisicocosmologia.

Concepts and theories developed by graceli.

It is good to note that inversion continued, twisting continued, bamboleios continued parity of both rotations as translations, stretches and shortenings, and flows of these phenomena. Desmorfolizações orbits are concepts and theories developed by graceli.

Besides the phenomenality graceli [tracks, layers, one field, phases, planning and desplanificação orbits and rotations].

Also, acceleration and deceleration of movements and bamboleios parity and also kinking continued].

Thus we have. Short-period comets that encounter with Jupiter when they are released to perihelion in hyperbolic orbits.

And when they return to perihelion and Jupiter are facing has transformed its ellipse elliptical retrograde and twisted, and when he meets again with this Jupiter retrograde ellipse becomes hyperbole.

And when the long period when around Jupiter [layers graceli] and close to the plane of the ecliptic tilt and rotational [graceli tracks energy space] the orbit becomes in short and long-planned stabilized, and with little twisting and streams.

That is, we have at this point the system graceli helium-planetariano - and energy graceli.

We see that graceli sheds new light on concepts for a new conceptual physics and relativity of phenomenal and energeticidades and new conditions for a unified physical between the micro [atom], the median [stars] and macro [galaxies].

However, the system relies graceli not in matter and structures, but the phenomena where particles and matter itself are phenomena and are produced by phenomena.

We see that the system follows a graceli energy system, energy planificadora graceli and fenomenalidades.

And that includes all movements such as rotation, translation, recession, bamboleios, kinking, and varying flows.

Thus, the system is based graceli not a heliocentric system in the center of the sun, but also the energy graceli becomes another agent and centralized planner orbits and rotations.

That is, the stars move around the sun and track graceli planificante energy and stabilizing.

And where large planets has also action on smaller movements of stars such as comets.

The system graceli changeable back on variational phenomenal in that different areas are also developed by the same time, challenging the system Kepler areas.

The system graceli also challenges the system of forces, inertia, centripetal gravitational mass and action.

And that underlies the universe has no causificante as the geometry of a supposed universe of curved space.

But yes, that geometry is the product of the phenomena, and where the layers of energy that has differentiability in producing geometric movements, not in that space is curved. And yes that energy around the stars is not flat, but flat action and joint action. That is, the curvature energy is due not to the space. ie, the space produces energy curve in space.
For general relativity holds that the curvature of space is an equivalence inertia - gravity and, already, the system graceli advocates a curvature that is due to energy field uno graceli. And that near the ecliptic there is a direction for energy planificante graceli tracks.

That is, power curve, flat and convex when two big stars are coming.

And in action for the chiral direction of motion of the primary rotation.

Astronomy graceli changeable.
System-graceli phenomenal energy and mutuals.
And based - if so, inexistencialidade equivalence of inertia - gravity. For we have seen in other articles graceli what we have is a mutual in nature, mutability, alternancidade, stages, bands and layers and field graceli one of multiple action.

So graceli presents the energy-phenomenality in its multiple actions on all phenomena.
Where even the very matter and particles become phenomena.

In a variational system thus entered in astrofisicacósmica graceli changeable and uneven desmoforlizante.

Where graceli includes physical, chemistry, astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology.

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